About Eye Am Wear

I was born with glaucoma, said to be the youngest baby in the world at the time they have glaucoma surgery.
At 16 as I had both eyes operated on with success but was told at a follow up appointment that there was no cure and I should learn braille to be prepared for might be my future.
The anxiety and the fear was overwhelming
I had no skill sets and no one speaking into my life. I had no one speaking into my life on how to deal with the made up stories and negative voices that would not allow me to stay in the present and enjoying the visual experiences that I was having. Instead I turned to alcohol and drugs to deal with the anxiety and the overwhelming fear.
Who would love me if I went blind? What would I do for a living if I went blind? I said the words out loud in an attempt calm myself. Well, if I go blind I’ll just kill myself.”

Creating Love for Blind

Do I tell this person that I just met that I have glaucoma and could be blind in my future? Would they still want to be in my life? I have an appointment at Wills Eye Hospital next month and what if my pressure is up? What if I need another surgery? What if I lose more vision? My mind took me all the way to being alone on some corner collecting money with dark glasses.
And with the crack of a bat.