This is a photo of a on location “sight visit” shared experience as three individuals with different levels of vision loss climbed the steps to the very top of the hurricane deck at Niagara Falls.
Embroidered Transformation Cap
Get your personalized cap in 3 steps
1. Pick your color cap
2. Select the logo that fits best on your cap
3. Write your cap text
Start customizing your cap or visit our shop to explore more
“Design your own cap, pick up the logo, and pick your word.”
Our Mission

Solidarity for Those With Sight Loss
The word EYE instead of I is not just a play on words. It is the mission behind the mission of lifting your life and the lives of others. The proceeds from the sale of these caps are going to fund the Love Vision “Have a mentor Be a mentor program” that scholarships individuals who are dealing with one of the most upsetting diagnoses someone can hear. You’re going blind and there is no cure at this time. We are committed to scholarship as many as we can through the Tony Robbins Date with Destiny program with follow up of coaching and mentorship to change their dynamic. Please take the time to read our story and why we are doing this.